Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Allow me to introduce myself...

My name is Jason Chandler, and I live in Nova Scotia, Canada.
I actually have two homes at the moment. An apartment in the city, and my parent's house in the country. It's no fun being torn between two places, especially when they're an hours drive apart. I have stuff scattered in both locations (mostly art supplies... which complicates things when I'm trying to do something creative).
Here is a picture of my apartment...

It was tidy that day! It's normally a mess. I work better with a bit of clutter...
I like to think of myself as an artist. Some people think the term "artist" sounds pretentious and snooty... but I don't know what else you could call it. I'm simply addicted to creating. I don't view my work as anything particularly outstanding, art takes practice and patience (and patience is tricky!)... but I'm comfortable with my style, and personally believe that ALL art has value.
I've been studying graphic design lately. I love it, except my dream is to do something a bit more "crafty". I did some research and I think it's called a "Graphic Crafts Maker". They tend to make crafts with paper, or anything else they can print type and graphics on. Journals, books, bookplates, stationary, photo albums, etc.
Also, I like making stuffed creatures, clay figures, paintings... seriously anything!
That's all I have for introductions right now. The rest will come later as I start posting more. Must keep my public in suspense! Heehee.
Current projects, and tutorials (that sort of thing) are on the way soon!

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