
Welcome to the Book Club! This isn't your typical book club – there are no books assigned, or questions to answer. It's simply a place for me to rate and suggest books that I think you might like! I'll admit, it's a bit one-sided, but feel free to rate and suggest your own titles in the comments area!
Keep in mind, there are no bad books! Books with ratings approaching zero are just "not for me." I don't want to rag on someone's favourite novel. All art has its place; its target audience; its genre junkies; its cult following – so on and so forth.
Thank you -- Jason.

Harry Potter Series (Books 1-7)
 10  J.K. Rowling 

Alice's Adventures in Wonderland
 9.5  Lewis Carroll

Shutter Island
 10  Dennis Lehane

Charlie and the Chocolate Factory
 10  Roald Dhal

The Shadow of the Wind
 10  Carlos Ruiz Zafon  

The Angel's Game
 9.5  Carlos Ruiz Zafon  

The Prince of Mist
 10  Carlos Ruiz Zafon

The Midnight Palace
 8  Carlos Ruiz Zafon  

 9  Peter Straub

The Picture of Dorian Gray
 9  Oscar Wilde

The Hunger Games
 8.5  Suzanne Collins

 8.5  Neil Gaiman

The Five People You Meet in Heaven
 9  Mitch Albom

For One More Day
 8.5  Mitch Albom

All ratings are subject to change, depending on my current interests, season changes, re-reads, etc.

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