Monday, May 28, 2012

Summer Has Begun

This summer I resolve to come out of my cave, and make nice with the wilderness! I will not waste away in the stale air of my bedroom, waiting for the sun to set! I will venture out, into the bright unknown, and see what summer has to offer!
In fact, I've already started...

Although my first experiences this summer may be considered unfortunate, I prefer to think of them as a summertime right-of-passage. For example, I have a wickedly itchy and impossibly red sunburn on my chest, stomach, back, shoulders and legs. Completely my own fault... I should have known that recently reformed vampires need to ease themselves into sun exposure! I've also had some nasty encounters with mosquitos... who apparently couldn't resist my vampiric skin-tone, with its translucency making the veins easy to spot. With my skin, and my naturally warm body temperature, I must have lit up like a neon sign on a 1950's diner.
But, as Bridget Jones would say, "I will preserver!" Bumps in the road build character!

See you in the sunshine -- Jason

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